2020 Goals

Wedding Planner Book with Green Leaves

2020 Resolutions + Wedding Planning Goals!

Jan. 1, 2020

Happy 2020 everyone!

I know New Year's Resolutions aren’t everyone’s cup of tea, but I personally find them effective as long as you’re realistic with your goals. Ever since I was young, I’ve always been a very goal-oriented person, so creating goals for myself at the beginning of the year has been a great way to keep myself accountable to my personal growth. If you’re looking for ideas on what goals to set for yourself this year -- keep on reading!

Resolution #1: Be Intentional

Towards the end of last year, I found myself getting better at this one but want to continue growing this mindset into the new year. It’s easy to find yourself mindlessly going through the motions of your routine, whether it’s your gym routine, eating routine, work schedule, etc. There’s a difference between “getting through life” and “living with intention.”

The first step to reaching this goal is to combat procrastination and laziness. I want to learn how to use my time wisely - this includes a careful balance of productivity and the need for rest. (I’ve been known to overwhelm myself by keeping myself a little too busy at times...)

Additionally, instead of asking the programmed, “How are you today?” to friends/neighbors, what about asking how their weekend was instead? “How are you?” typically leads to a programmed “I’m good” and that conversation will remain at a surface level, compared to if you put more thought into your interactions. Putting more energy and attention into the relationships in your life that matter could ultimately lead to deeper relationships and more wholesome support.

However, it’s all about balance, so I want to also exercise the idea of only putting my time and energy into aspects of my life that genuinely serve a purpose for my growth (e.g. I care about this topic, it’ll help me advance towards my goals, it brings me joy, etc.). Sticking to a routine that’s always “worked” but doesn’t continue to help grow you can be stagnating.

My goal for 2020 is to make sure I’m intentional with where I put my time, energy, and attention, and to not waste it on things that I know will not help with my growth.

Resolution #2: Get MARRIED!

This goal is a pretty straightforward one, but has complexities of its own. In August 2020, Lucas and I will be getting married on top of a mountain surrounded by our dearest loved ones and my excitement CONSUMES me!

I’ve been spending the second half of 2019 planning with and booking carefully-selected vendors that will help make our dream wedding become a reality. As we move into this new year, I want to continue to make the difficult decisions and have the soulful conversations that will all contribute to the success of our celebration of love.

It’s easy to find myself stressed or overwhelmed by all the questions and obstacles that can come from planning a wedding, but I want to exercise the mindset of being so so grateful for this opportunity. We get the opportunity to plan a celebration of our love with the support of incredibly talented vendors and many loved ones near and far!

Although this may lead to intensive planning and financial investments, it’s very much possible to plan a wedding customized to our needs, as long as the main focus is the union of our love. Our wedding won’t be like most weddings, but it will be planned perfectly to the degree of our personal priorities and that’s all that truly matters. :)

I CANNOT wait to share more about our wedding details! I plan to launch a wedding planning series on the blog and my YouTube channel later this year, in hopes that we can continue to document this love-filled season of life and to hopefully inspire and advise others who are also going through the wedding planning process.

My goal for 2020 is to not only plan a beautiful celebration for Lucas and I, but to also prepare to be the best wife and life partner to my absolute best friend!

Resolution #3: Drink More Water On a Daily Basis

Not much to explain here! I typically average 2-3 cups of water a day (I knowww…), but most health professionals recommend drinking 8 cups per day. A HUGE majority of your body is made up of water, and keeping your body hydrated is a crucial part to staying (and feeling!!) healthy.

(To also be eco-friendly, make sure to invest in a reusable water bottle!)

My goal for 2020 is to make sure to hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!!

Resolution #4: Improve My Food Relationship

I hope for my blog to be a platform where I can share my highlights, as well as my vulnerabilities. Ever since I was a kid, I’ve always had an inconsistent relationship with food. I started out as a very picky eater with not-so-healthy choices. I was the kid that grew up eating tons of chocolate, drinking Coca-Cola like it was water, and never had a desire to learn how to cook.

When I entered college, my diet consisted of the occasional well-rounded meal, coffee twice a day at a minimum, lots of take-out, and microwavable dinners. I also didn't eat consistently and only took a break to eat when my schedule "allowed" (so sometimes I would only eat once a day). I had somehow convinced myself that I “didn’t have time to cook” and would purchase fast food or take-out for the convenience without real thought to how expensive and sometimes unhealthy my choices were. It wasn’t until after I graduated college that I started to be more considerate on what I put into my body, but I know I could do better and can prioritize a healthy eating schedule even more.

My goal for 2020 is to be more intentional (ft. Resolution #1 ;) lol!) with my eating choices, and to re-establish better eating habits! Whether it’s to learn how to cook healthier recipes and/or meal prep more often, I hope to take better care of my body in 2020!

Resolution #5: Enhance My Fitness Routine

I know… this is a cliche one. Working out and buying a gym membership tend to be the stereotypical new year's resolutions that people claim on January 1st, and then motivation fades quickly by the time it hits February 14th and all the sweets take over the stores!

To make it a little bit easier on myself, I’m not starting this goal from scratch and have already started to implement a couple of work out habits into my daily routine during the end of 2019. I recently started taking kickboxing classes, and I’ll admit that they can (without a doubt) kick me into shape!! (The first couple of classes kind of destroyed me… lol) I didn’t expect to love kickboxing as much as I did when my best friend and I signed up for the class just for fun, but discovered that it was a great way to stay fit, and the community does an excellent job at keeping you accountable!

However, as we ring in the new year, I’m curious to see if there are other group fitness classes that will be just as effective for me and my exercise goals. It would be nice to find a gym closer to home (my kickboxing class is about 45 minutes away!), so I’m on the hunt to try new places too!

My goal for 2020 is to re-establish a weekly exercise routine that is realistic for my lifestyle, and to stay motivated!

Annnd that's a wrap!

Goals are easy to dream about and write down, but the hard part is sticking to them! I decided to share my goals here with my readers to not only try to inspire you to create your own goals, but to hold myself accountable to my own.

If we have similar goals, PLEASE feel free to reach out to me directly or comment below! I’d love to hear about what you hope for yourself in 2020 and maybe we can cheer each other on along the way.

​No matter what goals you’ve set for yourself, always remember that progress takes time, and anything is possible once you set your mind to it :)

2019 was great! But I couldn’t be more ready for 2020 :)

Cheers to a New Year and a Fresh Start!


A (Spontaneous) Trip to Baltimore, MD and Washington, DC


2019 Recap